An ode to our Almighty, Loving God of Impossibles
How can it be
O God,
that you who
created the whole universe will become a creature himself,
that you who
are the King of Kings will be born in a dirty manger,
that you who
are Almighty will go through the struggles of a common man’s life,
that you who
are Holy of Holies would dive into the pit of filth for your love for us,
that you who
has the power to destroy would continue to be merciful and forgiving even when
we disobey and rebel?
How can it be
O Lord,
that you
stayed silent when people chained you, mocked you, humiliated you,
that you
looked at Peter with love after he denied you three times,
that you
consoled others while you were going through the agony of carrying the cross,
that you
forgave those who scourged you and pray for those who nailed you on the cross,
that you gave
salvation to the thief crucified next to you,
that you
cared for your mother and disciple, in your last moments on earth,
that you who
did not sin, died on the Cross for the sin of all,
that you who
calmed the storm and brought back dead from life just by your word would let
mere mortals put you on trial, spit on you, flog you, crucify you,
that you who is the author of life, will die the most excruciating and humiliating death, that you gave up your life so that I can have mine?
How can it be
O God,
that you give
me the freedom to do what I want when you can make me your slave,
that you are
mindful of me and my ways,
that even
when I’m unfaithful, you are faithful,
that even
though I may not listen to you, you always listen to me,
that despite
my faults, my shortcomings, my sins, you hold me close to you,
that after
all that I’ve done, you still love me and you call me your child?
How can it be,
O God, how can it be!