"You are mine."A
"I’ll be with you." B
"I’ll give up whole nations for you, because
you are precious to me and because I love you."C
"Nothing can separate you from my love."D
Valentine’s day just got over and you must be thinking that I’ve
picked up these words from some love letter or some romantic movie or some
poem. Don’t be surprised if I tell you that these words are from the Bible. Who
says these words? Almighty God! And to whom does He say this? To you and me!!
In my last post I wrote about
love being the greatest thing. And through this one, I wanted to share with you
what is the GREATEST LOVE!
Ever since I came to know God in
a deeper way, I realized that for Him it’s all about Love!

But His love for us was so great,
that death couldn’t stop Him, the grave couldn’t hold Him. The third day He
rose up from the dead and He promised us that His love will never leave us. He
said, “I am with you always until the
end of this world.”S And He is faithful to His promises.T
As I write this, it’s not that I had realized and reciprocated God’s love since I was born. From the time I remember, I grew up asking a question, “Why me??” I had a troubled childhood, raised up in a broken family. As I grew up I was haunted by loneliness, suffered from lack of self esteem, self respect, self confidence. Church and God seemed irrelevant to me, distant from my life. I soon graduated to addictions, leading a filthy life, becoming selfish, pessimistic, self centred. Though from outside I was happy, free and content; I was hollow within. I used to go to church now and then, but in reality I was running away from God. However, I couldn’t go far. Almost ten years ago, God caught up with me. He started speaking to me, helping me understand His immense love for me, and showing how even in my darkest hours He was with me, standing by my side showering His love for me. I realized that someone loved me so much that He even died for me on the cross. I realized and experienced what GREATEST LOVE is. Today, I know that no matter what happens, God loves me as a loving Father and His love is the source of my joy, peace and strength.
As I write this, it’s not that I had realized and reciprocated God’s love since I was born. From the time I remember, I grew up asking a question, “Why me??” I had a troubled childhood, raised up in a broken family. As I grew up I was haunted by loneliness, suffered from lack of self esteem, self respect, self confidence. Church and God seemed irrelevant to me, distant from my life. I soon graduated to addictions, leading a filthy life, becoming selfish, pessimistic, self centred. Though from outside I was happy, free and content; I was hollow within. I used to go to church now and then, but in reality I was running away from God. However, I couldn’t go far. Almost ten years ago, God caught up with me. He started speaking to me, helping me understand His immense love for me, and showing how even in my darkest hours He was with me, standing by my side showering His love for me. I realized that someone loved me so much that He even died for me on the cross. I realized and experienced what GREATEST LOVE is. Today, I know that no matter what happens, God loves me as a loving Father and His love is the source of my joy, peace and strength.
This day, lets pray that we may understand how broad and long, how
high and deep is the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge.U
May we experience His love which is with us every moment of our life.
God Bless!
Please find the references to the
quotes in bold.
A. Isaiah 43:1, B.
Exodus 3:12. C. Isaiah 43:4. D. Romans 8:38, E. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church – 1 and CCC 1-3, F. Psalm 139:13, G. Isaiah 49:15&16, H.
Deuteronomy 30:15, I. Deuteronomy
30: 19&20, J. Isaiah 53:6, K. Jeremiah 31:3, L. Isaiah 54:10, M.
Ezekiel 12:2, N. John 3:16, O. John15:17, P. John 15:9, Q. John
15:13, R. Isaiah 53:8&9, S. Matthew 28:20, T. Psalm 145:13, U. Ephesians 3:18,19
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