Friday, January 26, 2018

Do It With Love

Today morning was just another usual morning. However, the Lord was planning to teach me something profound through a simple incident.

As usual, around 6:30AM I reached the church to attend the Holy Mass. Today, I had my mom accompanying me. After I parked my vehicle in the campus (which includes a school), as usual I started walking towards the church. In my mechanical routine, I saw-yet-did-not-see, a small kid in the school uniform standing alone. It was a cold morning and it was still dark. My mom, however, did take notice and asked me to speak to him. I interrupted my routine task and went to the kid who was just a few steps away. He seemed to have reached school early (very early) for the Republic Day celebration. He was feeling cold, alone and may be afraid. We asked him to come inside to the Church reception and to sit there till his friends came in. He was visibly happy
, relieved and comfortable.

And that’s when the realization set in. I was so taken over by the routine that I overlooked someone in need. I didn’t let myself be interrupted by compassion. Thankfully, my mom did!

I was immediately drawn to the verse – "Let all that you do, be done in love.” – 1Corinthians 16:14.

And that’s the key! It doesn’t matter how small or big, how frequent or rare, how meaningful or mundane, we are asked to do it with love. Be it driving to work or doing the dishes or preparing a meal or completing your tasks at work or having a conversation with the most powerful to the most powerless  or helping out someone or spending time with near and dear ones or put-up with that irritating person or going through a particularly bad day – do it with love! Sounds easier said than done. But that’s what we are called to do.

As Mother Teresa says, “We can do no great things, but only small things with great love.” 

Let’s start today!

God Bless!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Parable of a Kite

“To follow the Lord and find freedom…”

This is how one of the Church hymns begins. I’ve sung this song many times, like many of us sing during Mass or service – in auto-pilot mode – without paying attention to the words and meaning of the song. Just recently, I was drawn to pay attention to the meaning and I was confused, stunned and awed at what I realized about the meaning of the first sentence!

I realized that the sentence was ironical. “Follow”, “freedom” – how can they go together? How can someone follow another and still be free? Freedom means no strings attached, right?

And then, I was drawn to think about a kite. When does the kite fly high? When it is connected or when it is detached? We know the answer. A kite flies high when it is connected by the string and the spindle to the flyer on the ground.  The moment the string breaks, the kite falls to the ground or is blown away by the gust.

A great realization filled my mind and I was wowed at the meaning of the sentence – “To follow the Lord and find freedom.” There were days, weeks, months and years that I spent away from my God thinking I was free, thinking that was absolute freedom. But instead of being free I was like a detached kite, falling to the ground, being tossed and turned, being torn by the forces within and outside me. And then I found God! A God who loves me, knows me, supports me, strengthens me, a God who is always there for me, a God who understands me like no one else does! Once I came to know and to be with this God, I realized what true freedom felt. There are gusts for sure, but I sail through it as long as I’m connected to my Creator, my God, my Heavenly Father.  In following Him, I find my freedom.

“The person who entrusts himself totally to God finds true freedom, the great creative immensity of the freedom of good… He becomes truly himself.” – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

God Bless!