A few days back, we celebrated the feast of
St Mary Magdalene.
Who is she? The sinful woman from whom seven evil spirits were driven out by
Jesus or the prostitute whom Jesus saved from being stoned to death or the
woman who anointed Jesus or the one who washed Jesus' feet with her tears or in more recent times the one who is wrongly being
portrayed as wife of Jesus? For me, when I look at her, I see just one thing: a
sinner who received the Saviour’s touch! And that’s what draws me to her;
that’s how I relate to her.

In her I see someone who was drawn and bound by the powers
of sin so strong that she is referred to as being possessed by not one or two
but seven evil spirits! When I think of
her, I can imagine her struggling to break free from the force of sin so strong
that it would have taken complete control of her, taken away from her the
innocence of humanity, the joy and peace of belonging to God. I can imagine her
being shunned away by the society, treated as an outcast, feared as a threat,
distanced as an untouchable; I can imagine her longing to be accepted,
thirsting to be loved, desiring to be joyful, hoping to be forgiven. And I
believe she would have continued in this state of being, had she not come
across Jesus – the Almighty powerful God of Heaven and Earth, the Creator of
the Universe – but for her a Saviour, her “
He forgave her sins, wiped away her past, healed her inequity, cast out evil and
gave her a new life. This new life – she accepted, nurtured and pursued, even
against all odds. She resolved to do everything it takes to be with Jesus all through her life. During the Crucifixion of Jesus when all His disciples,
except John, had deserted Him, Mary Magdalene was there. After His death and
burial, when all of His followers were devastated and mourning, Mary Magdalene
dared to go to His tomb and there she became the first one to witness His
resurrection. The Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, gave her the privilege of
becoming the Apostle of Apostles! She was faithful to Jesus and the Way of Life
He called her to and that’s how she went from being a sinner to a Saint.

When I look back into my life, I realize that we have lots
to learn from her. Just like her, we struggle with sin; we struggle to come out
of its clutches. She came out of this pit of filth when she encountered Christ
and resolved to never fall back in it again. What happens when we encounter
Christ who is the “same yesterday and today and forever”? Do we let Him work in
our lives, do we believe in His power to set us free, do we accept Him as our
Saviour, do we follow the Way He shows us? Very often we set out on this path
of holiness and purity, but we never stop looking back. Slightest opportunity
and we make use of it to go back to our earlier ways. Slightest temptation and
we lay down our arms. And this is where St Mary Magdalene challenges us through
her life. She never lost sight of Jesus. She wasn’t afraid to follow Him along
the Way of the Cross, she wouldn’t leave Him even at the sight of His heart- wrenching
death, even despair and feeling of loss wouldn’t keep her away from going to
His tomb. In those moments when He seemed to go farther away, she took all
efforts to follow Him and to be with Him.
Aren’t we supposed to do the same? In those moments when we do not
experience God working in our lives, when we do not feel His presence, when we
slowly drift away from Him; instead of being discouraged and helpless, we
should take extra effort to come closer to God, to trust in God’s power and His
ways, to resist evil and to strive to stand firm in our faith and in our
relationship with Him. We see in Mary Magdalene, how a sinner’s resolve can
make him/her a saint. If she can do it, so can we with God’s grace.
“So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive
to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, do not let sin exercise dominion in your
mortal bodies, to make you obey their passions. No
longer present your members to sin as instruments of wickedness, but
present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life,
and present your members to God as instruments of righteousness. For
sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under
grace.” – Romans 6:11-14
St. Mary Magdelene, patron Saint of penitent sinners – Pray
for us.
God Bless!
Beautiful Reflection as always!